Supporting the Pedorthic Foundation
Activities of the Pedorthic Foundation rely on the financial support of individuals and companies. Donors may choose to provide support to a particular activity, or provide general support, allowing the Board of Directors to determine the allocation to one or more activities. Donations made to the foundation are tax deductible under provisions of the US federal tax code 501(c)3.
Many people choose to make a donation to the Foundation in appreciation of a particular Certified Pedorthist who has contributed to their quality of life through pedorthic interventions that maximize personal mobility.
Credit card donations are accepted through PayPal using Visa, Master Card, American Express or Discover. Complete the form below or contact the Foundation directly. Make checks payable to Pedorthic Foundation and mail to N7540 Edgewater Drive, Beaver Dam, WI 53916.
I wish to make a donation to the Pedorthic Foundation for the following purpose:
_____ Research_____ General Scholarship
_____ Heather Moore Bernard Scholarship
_____ As determined by the Board
Please charge my card $___________________________
Card # ___________________________________ Expiration Date _______________ CVV# ______
Name (to be recognized) _______________________________________________________________
CC Billing Address ___________________________________________________________________
Thank You!
An email confirmation will be sent.
To give by phone, call (920) 356-1200 and have your credit card information ready.
To give by mail, send your check to:
If you are interested in establishing an endowment fund or would like to make a donation of other assets (stocks, bonds, etc.) please contact the Foundation directly.